
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My name is Heather, and this is my story.

I'm Heather, and this is my story:
Most of you may not know that I have had rough past. It’s such a hard thing for me to open up about so I rarely discuss it. I grew with parents that had addiction problems and it cause my childhood to be complete chaos. This caused me to have depression and an eating disorder at a very young age. I used food to supplement what I didn’t have –Normalcy. I longed for it... I wanted parents that were normal. Parents that would play games with me and help me with my homework, general things like that. Luckily, I did have a family that loved me and cared for me the best they possibly could. My grandparents, my aunts, my cousins, they all took turns taking care of me day-to-day. My mom passed away when I was 16. I was a junior in high-school. It was really hard for me because a few months up until she passed she was getting clean and we were growing so close. Because I lived with other people I knew I had to support myself and with my mother’s passing I felt it would be best to quit school and start working full time at a restaurant. I got my high-school diploma through a home-school program and graduated in less than 4 months. I met the love of my life just before my mom passed away. We didn’t even know each other for more than a month and this man never left my side through all of this. He barely knew me but I knew he loved me. Our relationship grew stronger and stronger and he supported every decision I ever made. Life was looking up! In 2012 we got married and bought a house! Now at 22 years old I have obtained my Associates degree in culinary school, become a kitchen manager for over a year at the Marriott, and I’m now working at a dentist office as a dental assistant! As well as running my business as a Beachbody coach! Keep in mind, despite all the bad things that have happened I never let it ruin my life. I thank God for shaping me into the woman I have become and I always strive to be the best version of me I possibly can be! This is my story and I hope it inspires all of you to be the best version of yourself possible!!! Anything can happen if you just believe in yourself!! Trust me.

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