
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Delicious Low-Carb Veggie Breakfast Burrito

So I posted this photo on IG and Facebook and had a lot of likes and people asking for the recipe so I thought I'd share :) This hearty burrito is just simply veggies, eggs, and the low carb whole wheat tortilla. Trust me, with the meaty-ness of the mushrooms and the flavors from the vegetables, you won't miss the usually sausage and cheese that you find in a traditional burrito!

Breakfast Burrito
Makes 2 Large burritos

  • 5 Asparagus spears (Chopped)
  • 1/4 Onion (Chopped)
  • 1/2 Red Bell Pepper (Chopped)
  • 3-5 Baby Bell Mushrooms (Chopped)
  • 3 Eggs
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Cooking spray or Oil (olive or coconut)
  • 2 Tortillas (I like the whole wheat ones)

Sauté asparagus, onion, and red bell pepper until soft in oil. Next add in mushrooms until cooked through.  Add eggs, salt & pepper, and scramble until desired doneness. Wrap half of the mixture in 1 whole wheat tortilla and your ready to eat!

  • Note* If you allow mixture to cool and then wrap in tortillas this will freeze to use for meal prep!

21 Day fix Extreme Results!!

I did one round of 21 Day Fix Extreme and the RESULTS are IN!
Let me tell you, this program is no joke! Autumn kicked my butt for 21 days! They really call it Extreme for a reason! I decided to do this program after I finished two rounds of the original 21 Day Fix. So, I ordered a Challenge Pack, which is Shakeology and the program. Once I received that, I did my homework on the nutrition guide and figured out my caloric needs. I noticed you couldn’t have as many options and cheats as the original but that was ok, because this is supposed to be where we crack down and really go for the goal!
 Day 1 of this program was crucial! I was wondering if I had done the right thing by trying something so challenging so soon! The following 20 days were just as hard at first but gradually got easier! And I got all the results I was looking for!

In just 21 days... Drumroll please.....
7lbs. and 9.5 inches!!!

My name is Heather, and this is my story.

I'm Heather, and this is my story:
Most of you may not know that I have had rough past. It’s such a hard thing for me to open up about so I rarely discuss it. I grew with parents that had addiction problems and it cause my childhood to be complete chaos. This caused me to have depression and an eating disorder at a very young age. I used food to supplement what I didn’t have –Normalcy. I longed for it... I wanted parents that were normal. Parents that would play games with me and help me with my homework, general things like that. Luckily, I did have a family that loved me and cared for me the best they possibly could. My grandparents, my aunts, my cousins, they all took turns taking care of me day-to-day. My mom passed away when I was 16. I was a junior in high-school. It was really hard for me because a few months up until she passed she was getting clean and we were growing so close. Because I lived with other people I knew I had to support myself and with my mother’s passing I felt it would be best to quit school and start working full time at a restaurant. I got my high-school diploma through a home-school program and graduated in less than 4 months. I met the love of my life just before my mom passed away. We didn’t even know each other for more than a month and this man never left my side through all of this. He barely knew me but I knew he loved me. Our relationship grew stronger and stronger and he supported every decision I ever made. Life was looking up! In 2012 we got married and bought a house! Now at 22 years old I have obtained my Associates degree in culinary school, become a kitchen manager for over a year at the Marriott, and I’m now working at a dentist office as a dental assistant! As well as running my business as a Beachbody coach! Keep in mind, despite all the bad things that have happened I never let it ruin my life. I thank God for shaping me into the woman I have become and I always strive to be the best version of me I possibly can be! This is my story and I hope it inspires all of you to be the best version of yourself possible!!! Anything can happen if you just believe in yourself!! Trust me.